
Adult Sunday Bible Study
The Sunday Morning Bible Study Hour is a time for men, women, and youth to gather in the fellowship hall to study. Once a month, a current event topic is chosen, whereas on the other three Sundays, a book of the Bible is studied. The studies are lecture-based, with interaction from attendees - with donuts and coffee. The studies will leave you knowing what you believe and why.
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Every Sunday

Sunday School
Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me." St. Paul's Sunday School is committed to teaching Jesus' Word to the littlest ones. It is a time to teach the basic Biblical stories, to help them learn the church's music, and to prepare them for Confirmation.

Women's Bible Study
Want another Bible Study? Every week, St. Paul's offers a women's Bible study led by a pastor. The studies go through a book of the Bible, allowing attendees to become familiar with the Bible, as well as learn how the ancient Scriptures shape us in the twenty-first century. Following the Women's Bible Study, there is a time for the women to gather for friendship at a local diner.
Every Tuesday
10:30 AM
Every Tuesday morning, the men gather for a cup of coffee and to study the Bible. Like the Women's Bible Study, the Men's Bible Study covers the same content. This especially allows husbands and wives to discuss the weekly studies later in the week. Furthermore, the weekly studies serve as further teaching for the men, as they seek to lead their families and serve in the Minot Community.
Every Tuesday
6:30 AM
Men's Bible Study

Every Wednesday
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Confirmation is an important time in the lives of St. Paul's young adults. It is a three-year program designed to teach the basics of the Christian faith so that youth may be able to not only confess the faith but defend it. Each Wednesday has a time for the youth to hang out together, attend a Vespers Service, and receive theological instruction. To learn more, contact Pastor Richard.
Martin Luther once said, "After theology, I give music the highest place and the greatest honor!" Luther was right: music is theology clothed in the beauty of song! The St. Paul's Choir meets weekly for practice and sings throughout the year during St. Paul's Church services. Once a year they deliver the gift of the Sung-Word in their Easter Cantata. To learn more, talk to the Choir Director - Mrs. Jennifer Larsen.
Every Wednesday
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

As one of St. Paul's auxiliary organizations, the Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF) seeks to provide further teaching and events for the youth of St. Paul's. One of the main things LYF participates in is the Higher Things organization - namely summer conferences held at various college campuses in the United States.
See Calendar
for Events

Northwest Confessions Study
A Confessions Study Group is a set time during the month when individuals and pastors from various churches join to study the Book of Concord. No preparation is needed ahead of time as participants take turns reading parts of the Lutheran Confessions and then discussing it.